Anyone who missed today's class needs to pop in at 8:30 tomorrow for tutorial.
Monday, April 29, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
Lesson 49
Classes were cut short today, for grade 12 capstone presentations.
Students handed in their chapter notes.
We watched an interview with Cherie Dimaline and Shelagh Rogers.
We watched the Canada Reads interview between Dimaline and Jully Black.
We discussed what it might mean to have lost elders/knowledge/medicine people.
We wrapped up the class with an old Monty Python sketch.
HMWRK: Review "Haunted in the Bush" before Monday's class.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Lesson 48
We discussed the former KKK headquarters in Shaughnessy (now Canuck House), and connected it to the racist/white-supremacist clauses on old documentation for real estate in the British Properties (enforceable until 1978).
We connected these two pieces to inter-generational wealth, in an effort to examine ways in which current circumstances are influenced by past policies. By being conscious of the unjust foundations of systems/laws/institutions, we are put in a better position to perceive and challenge ongoing injustices.
We talked about the concept of the unreliable narrator - as it relates to Frenchie.
We discussed the classical (Greco-Roman) allusion to MINERVA and the wisdom/knowledge associated with the name of an elder Frenchie sometimes refers to as "crazy old Minerva."
We talked about the importance of dreams...and what it might mean not to dream (we also broke down the term somnambulation into its root words, for the sake of intrigue).
There were good, small group discussions, after which we read most of "Hunted in the Bush."
HOMEWORK: Finish the last two pages of the chapter, and have your character notes ready to hand in tomorrow! Remember that tomorrow's class is a short one!
Source Website: Forbidden VancouverWednesday, April 24, 2024
Lesson 47
There has been a seat change!
We looked at a couple of student questions, before watching a video on dystopian fiction and discussing ways in which this work fits/doesn't fit the genre - as well as how useful the genre is at this time in the world.
We watched a video on Metis stories - students shared things they noticed - things that seemed missing or glossed over...and we discussed the irony of Parks Canada now working to preserve Indigenous stories.
We read the chapter "Magic Words" and students are to continue their notes.
Students also handed in their TADR texts.
***NB - notes will be collected on Friday
Lesson 46
We discussed Rougarou - where the term comes from, and what it means for different Nations. We talked about the concept of syncretism and ways in which cultures become interwoven to form new things.
We talked about road allowances, and then listened to Jesse Thistle talk about his family's experiences as Metis people - we also looked at some pictures he submitted to support the discussion.
Students had a look at classmates' notes, to see if they were on track, in terms of tracking characters.
We considered the terms: Story - perpetuity - canary in a coal mine - in relation to the text.
Monday, April 22, 2024
Lesson 45
We did a LOT of talking today.
In relation to the last several chapters, students considered what age it might be appropriate to tell children about the darker aspects of humanity (and how privileged we are to even be able to ask the question).
Students thought about old residential school buildings - what should happen with them - and who should get to decide.
We talked about the way in which the cast of characters is organized - elders - age - capacities
We talked about the capital "S" in Story - and will continue to return to this idea - and why it is critical that Miigwans tell Story.
We read to the end of page 31, and met a new character
HOMEWORK - continue notes to the end of pg.31
Friday, April 19, 2024
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Lesson 43
We discussed student questions.
Students met with groups to look over character notes, and ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of expectations.
We read to the bottom of page 14.
HMWRK: Continue character notes
***NB - final Dreamer's Rock projects are due tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Lesson 42
Today we talked about thoughts/feelings on the performance scale.
After a discussion about climate change and personal connections to the changes in our world, we began reading The Marrow Thieves - We read up to the break on page 7.
HMWRK: Go back and take notes on all of the different characters we met today - write down quotations for them (both physical traits, and quotes that show who they are as people + explain) and page numbers.
Leave lots of space for Frenchie and Miigwans, a medium amount of space for Dad and Isaac, and just a little space for Mitch, Mom, and Recruiters.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Monday, April 15, 2024
Lesson 40
Today's class was mostly dedicated to project work, as will tomorrow's be - then, the novel!
Projects are due on Friday
Friday, April 12, 2024
Lesson 39
Students read their personal novels.
We did a collective mind-map for Dreamer's Rock - and highlighted IDENTITY as one of the key words.
Students received their final assignment for the play - and the rubric - and decided if they would work in pairs, or on their own.
Students will have part of Monday and Tuesday's blocks to work on their projects, which will be due on Friday, April 19th.
NO SPECIFIC HOMEWORK - apart from project ideas and gathering materials for Monday
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Lesson 38
Today, we finished reading the play!
Many students did not complete yesterday's homework - but will ENSURE THIS IS DONE FOR TOMORROW so they are prepared for the upcoming project work.
HOMEWORK: Create a theme web for Toronto at Dreamer's Rock
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Lesson 37
Students read their personal novels
We discussed more student questions
Students should read up to the middle of page 62
See yesterday's post for today's quote work (they need to be written on a sheet of paper - any paper will do)- also do the final question on the reading log sheet.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Lesson 36
Students read their personal novels.
We continued working through student discussion questions.
We read Toronto at Dreamer's Rock to the top of page 46.
- Continue your chart work - add Michael, and don't forget page numbers. Do all questions, apart from the final one, on the other side of the sheet.
- By Thursday, you will be expected to find 2 quotations (WITH PAGE NUMBERS) for EACH of the time periods discussed in the play (this means a total of 6 + quotations) which indicate with the setting/period is/was like.
Monday, April 8, 2024
Lesson 35
Students read their personal novels.
We discussed a few of the questions students came up with last week.
We continued our work with Toronto at Dreamer's Rock - We read up to page 30
HMWRK - Go back through what we have read so far, and complete what you can on the front of the worksheet, as well as the first three questions on the back.
Friday, April 5, 2024
Lesson 34
Students finished their group vocabulary discussions, signed out a play and a novel, picked up a worksheet that they should simply pop in their binders for now (no homework - do not do ahead), and we read the play to the top of page 17.
Block 8 also read their personal novels during the book-sign-out process, as it was incredibly inefficient during blk 5.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Lesson 33
Students worked in their groups to finish their vocabulary posters, and began presenting them to the class.
We will finish presenting them tomorrow, then begin work with the class play.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Lesson 32
Students read their personal novels
We looked at the impact of inbreeding on European Royalty (in contrast with the clan systems employed by Indigenous peoples of the same era - as a result of yesterday's questions)
We talked about several of the class-generated questions
Students had time to work in their vocabulary groups - they will have 30 more minutes to do so tomorrow, before presenting to the class
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Lesson 31
We started class with a check in - students are TIRED
Students wrote anonymous questions related to Indigeneity/Indigenous folks in Canada - We will be using these as a jumping off point for daily conversations.
Students worked on their Dreamer's Rock vocab posters in groups - they will complete the posters tomorrow, and present them on Thursday
Lesson 84
Students wrote a poetry quiz, shared their sound poems, and received their final assignment. We discussed what an ODE really is, and looked...

We discussed the former KKK headquarters in Shaughnessy (now Canuck House) , and connected it to the racist/white-supremacist clauses on ol...
Students read their personal novels. We continued working through student discussion questions. We read Toronto at Dreamer's Rock to th...
Today we talked about thoughts/feelings on the performance scale. After a discussion about climate change and personal connections to the c...