Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Lesson 54

Today we talked about an article a student sent in, about a Tla'amin community working to re-name the city of Powell River --> this is due to its association with Israel Powell, and his active role in assimilating Indigenous peoples (through residential schools - the outlawing of traditional ceremonies - and leveraging of indian agents to oppress).

Students were to have read "Wab's Coming-to Story" on their own last class - we began novel work today by discussing this text.

We also talked about these skin-graft experiments perpetrated against the Inuit  - and the Tuskegee experiments on Black men in the U.S.

We then read "Story: Part 2" and "Back into the Woods."

No homework, other than continuing note work.

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Lesson 84

Students wrote a poetry quiz, shared their sound poems, and received their final assignment. We discussed what an ODE really is, and looked...