Over the last two blocks, students wrapped up their short story unit with a two-part test, and then began work with the vocabulary for the upcoming play.
Over the last two blocks, students wrapped up their short story unit with a two-part test, and then began work with the vocabulary for the upcoming play.
This morning, all grade 9 students had presentations for Careers 9 - BLK 5 had no English today.
BLK 8 - Discussed the short story terms quiz tomorrow (fill-in-the-blanks from the terms package) and they were reminded they need to label the parts of a plot diagram.
-We talked about their workshops this morning, and the ways in which systemic inequalities need to be addressed in any conversation about financial stability/budgeting etc.
-Students watched a 1980's imagining of "The Veldt" - chatted about it - and had the remainder of the class to quiz one another for tomorrow's terms quiz.
Students wrote an in-class paragraph test today - they will do the terms section on Thursday.
Those who did not have excused absences, but missed the test, will have a more challenging story to work with - and it will be done when it is most convenient for the purposes of the class - not during tutorial time.
Students began the class with reading their personal novels.
They then did a sheet on run-on sentences, and sentence fragments, as many struggled with these in their paragraph work.
Students (minus those who did not complete their paragraphs on the original timeline, OR have yet to complete it) received their marked "Veldt" paragraphs. There was a great deal of feedback on these paragraphs - students should now have a good idea of where their work stands in relation to expectations.
Those students who wish to re-submit their paragraphs are welcome to re-write them during Tuesday/Thursday/Friday tutorials this week.
There is an in-class paragraph tomorrow (the stories will be given on the day) and a short story terms quiz on Thursday.
Students have been working through texts at a deeper level - specifically, we have been looking at theme and symbol.
Yesterday, students worked on questions 3, 4, and 5 from "Penny in the Dust"
Today, they read their novels, discussed next week's short story test, went over the questions from yesterday, and reviewed their Short Story Terminology packages.
Study up!!!
Today, students did a quick worksheet on apostrophes, before switching over to reading their personal novels.
We looked at the question sets students worked on yesterday, and made suggestions for improvement.
Students also read the story "Penny in the Dust."
HMWRK: Write a theme statement for "The Sea Devil"
In groups, students looked at "The Sea Devil," which we read over the last two classes. They answered questions 4 & 5 (on the last page of the story) and then worked through the brainstorming for, and creation of, a theme statement.
Most students have completed their paragraph work for "The Veldt," as of Friday.
A few students have been in for tutorials, or to do extra work in LC to catch up.
Today, students read their personal novels, went through the "Sea Devil" vocab together, and began reading the story.
HMWRK: Ensure you are up to the middle of pg. 39 in the text, where "an insane sequence of pictures" flashes through the man's mind.
Students wrote a poetry quiz, shared their sound poems, and received their final assignment. We discussed what an ODE really is, and looked...